Kameldrivarens berättelse (Story of the Camel-Driver) ; Den grekiske slafvens historia (Story of the Greek Slave) ; Munkens berättelse (Story of the Monk) ; Munkens historia (Story of the Monk) ; Huckaback (Huckaback) ; Munkens manuskript (Manuscript of the Monk) ; Huckabaks tredje resa (Third Voyage of Huckaback) ; Huckabacks fjerde resa (Fourth Voyage of Huckaback) ; Huckabacks femte resa (Fifth Voyage of Huckaback) ; Huckabacks sista resa (The Last Voyage of Huckaback) ; Den ärrige älskaren (The Scarred Lover) ; Hudusis historia (The Story of Hudusi) ; Engelska matrosens berättelse (Tale of the English Sailor) ; Vattendragaren (The Water-Carrier) ; Den underbara sagan om Khan (The Wondrous Tale of the Han) ; Den gamla qvinnans historia (Story of the Old Woman)